Friday, September 6, 2013

Flex and Strategic Portfolio Returns Through August 2013

Here are the performance #s through August for the more popular portfolios I offer:

US and Foreign Indexes
3 mo 1 yr 3 yr 5 yr 10 yr 2008
Stock Markets (50-40-10)
-0.3% 16.7% 12.9% 4.5% 7.8% -40.7%
S&P 500
0.7% 18.6% 18.3% 7.2% 7.0% -37.0%
0.1% 18.6% 9.2% 1.6% 7.4% -43.1%
Barclays Agg Bond--US
-1.9% -2.5% 2.6% 4.9% 4.8% 5.2%
Barclays Agg Bond--Global
-0.5% -3.4% 2.2% 4.2% 5.2% 4.8%

Moderately Aggressive
0.2% 14.1% 11.6% 4.8% 7.2% -32.0%
80 Flex III
-1.0% 6.8% 8.1%

80 Flex IV
-0.5% 7.8% 8.7% 8.3% 9.5% -14.0%
80 Strategic
0.7% 23.9% 16.6% 12.8% 11.2% -31.7%
Fidelity 80
-0.4% 14.8% 11.8% 5.0% 7.2% -32.0%
Russell Growth
-0.7% 11.0% 9.6% 3.8% 6.0% -36.1%

-0.1% 9.6% 9.3% 4.9% 6.7% -23.1%
60 Flex III
-1.3% 7.1% 8.0%

60 Flex IV
-0.7% 8.3% 8.8% 8.8% 9.9% -11.5%
60 Strategic
-0.9% 15.8% 12.9% 11.6% 10.4% -23.0%
Vanguard 60
-0.8% 9.5% 9.7% 5.6% 6.8% -23.8%
Russell Balanced
-1.2% 8.1% 8.2% 4.6% 5.9% -30.0%

Moderately Conservative
-0.4% 5.1% 6.7% 4.8% 6.2% -13.3%
40 Flex IV
-1.6% 6.5% 7.8% 8.8% 9.3% -7.2%
Vanguard 40
-1.5% 5.2% 7.4% 5.6% 6.3% -15.1%
Russell Moderate
-1.7% 4.2% 6.2% 5.0% 5.1% -23.5%

-0.8% 0.9% 4.6% 4.5% 5.6% -2.5%
20 Flex IV
-2.4% 4.8% 6.9% 8.9% 8.7% -2.9%
Vanguard 20
-2.4% 0.9% 5.2% 5.8% 5.8% -5.6%
Russell Conservative
-1.8% 1.6% 4.5% 5.1% 4.4% -15.5%

Asset Allocation Cash USA x-USA Bond Other

80 Flex IV 24% 25% 18% 23% 9%

60 Flex IV 24% 21% 16% 30% 8%

40 Flex IV 26% 14% 11% 42% 6%

20 Flex IV 28% 7% 5% 55% 5%

NOTE 1:  Past performance is no guarantee of specific future results.  This data is presented by Potomac Wealth Strategies, LLC.  This data is from Morningstar and should be accurate, but it has not been independently verified.

NOTE 2:  "Flex" and "Strategic" portfolios are designed and managed by Potomac Wealth Strategies, LLC.  These models show track records of better returns, lower volatility, or both, compared to their benchmarks and popular competitors.

NOTE 3:  "Vanguard 80" and "Fidelity 80" are low-cost Moderately Aggressive portfolios.  They are comprised of index funds from Vanguard or Fidelity.  This is what many might recommend due to low-costs and portfolio efficiency.

NOTE 4:  Russell portfolios are offered by one of the most highly-regarded institutional money managers in the country.  These portfolios handle money for dozens of high net-worth people and famous organizations.

NOTE 5:  Nothing on this blog post represents investment advice to any individual or organization.  If the information hereon is of interest to you, please contact us at for a consultation.