Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Election 2016: Prediction and Perspective

Dear Clients--

The presidential election is tomorrow and I want to share my perspective and make a few big-picture predictions.

First and foremost, I recommend you remain invested if you are already in risk-appropriate, long-term portfolios.  For most clients, I am offering and/or using the following:

Investor Style*                       Portfolio Model**                   Strategic Asset Allocation   
Conservative                     20 Strategic III or 20 Schwab Index       20% stocks, 80% bonds
Moderately Conservative 40 Strategic III or 40 Schwab Index        40/60
Moderate                          60 Strategic III or 60 Schwab Index        60/40
Moderately Aggressive    80 Strategic III or 80 Schwab Index        80/20
Aggressive                        95 Strategic III or 95 Schwab Index        95/5

*     If you are not sure of your Investor Style, let's talk soon.
**   Strategic models are generally for tax-deferred accounts.  Schwab Index models are generally for taxable accounts.  There are several versions of the "Strategic" models, with "Strategic III" delivering my latest asset allocation and mutual fund advice. 


·        In my 15 years as a financial advisor, I have guided clients through the end of a bear market (tech bubble, Enron, 9/11), a modest/slow recovery during a time of global conflict (war on terror), a terrible market crash (housing bubble/financial crisis), and (presently) a vigorous stock market recovery despite relatively weak economic growth.  My clients' best results have almost always been for those who remained invested and rode out the storms.

·        The "Index Chart" shows numerous global events and stock/bond market performance on a nearly century-long time line.  I believe it illustrates there is often something to rattle markets and that it is best to remain invested for the long-term.

·        This chart shows how difficult it is to time the market well enough to avoid harming long-term returns:

·        This article discusses some history of stock market reaction to presidential elections:

·        I am keeping my own retirement money invested as-is.


·        Clinton likely to win, markets not likely to go down if she wins, could go up sharply.
o   We've had a pull-back recently and the markets seem to expect a Clinton win and don't like surprises.

·        Trump win probably means a short-term market sell-off and recovery within a few months, but probably not a bear market or a crash.
o   "Brexit" vote earlier this year is considered a predictor because of similar, and perhaps underestimated, anti-establishment and isolationist mindsets among voters in UK and USA.

Thank you, and please contact me with any questions or concerns.


Garo Linck Partoyan
Potomac Wealth Strategies, LLC
(703) 746-8195 phone
(855) 347-9483 fax

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