Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Year Message + Reminders from Gary Partoyan

Happy New Year!  I hope your holidays were lovely and your 2017 is off to a great start.

A few things:

1.      It was a good year for many investment categories.  Our globally diversified StrategicIII model portfolios performed very well, beating their benchmarks in 2016 by more than enough to cost-justify my advisory fees.  In fact, the Strategic III models have shown that kind of outperformance in the 2-, 3-, 5-, and 10-yr time periods also.  This is how most of us should be investing.

2.      Attached is my Financial Priorities checklist.  Use this to help us make sure we are covering the bases that are most important for you.
a.      Notice that there are five priorities before we even save for retirement.
b.      Contact me to go over this with you.

3.      Do you have your InvestmentPlan?  Let us get a good look at whether or not you are on track to meet your goals.  Important and helpful, and no extra charge!

4.      Reminder that my firm is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) and I am the Representative of my RIA.  To each client, my firm and I have a fiduciary obligation.  I must act in each client's best interests.  Of note:
a.      As an "advisor" rather than a "broker", I am already subject to the standard of the Department of Labor's upcoming "fiduciary rule".
                                                    i.     The rule is aimed at bringing other financial services firms/employees up to that standard.
b.      As a fee-only RIA firm/representative, I am paid only by my clients and receive no other compensation--no commissions, no revenue-sharing, no referral fees.
                                                    i.     This helps eliminate conflicts of interest and put the advisor and the client on the same side of the table.

Please contact me with any questions or requests.  Thank you!


Potomac Wealth Strategies, LLC
(703) 746-8195 phone
(855) 347-9483 fax

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